My name is Matt. I turned 38 about a month ago. I'll be forty in about two years. For my fortieth birthday, I am going to participate in a triathlon.
This is no small decision for me. I haven't played sports since Little League, even recreationally. I am not athletic. I don't run, I don't bike, and I don't swim laps. I don't belong to a gym. My main exercise is mowing the yard once a week.
I take elevators instead of stairs. I eat a lot of cheese and sugar. If you met me, you would probably think "John Goodman" or "Kevin James" or maybe "that kid on Two and a Half Men".

So...why now?
I got married last May to the beautiful Cortney. She's a great wife - we're having a great time together and I want it to continue. I have many responsibilities as a husband and father (someday!) and I can't do any of them if I'm not around. There's other reasons (general health, always wanted to do something like this, genetic predisposition to diabetes, want to be sexy) but that's the big one.
I can't even start training yet - I'm not in good enough shape yet. But every journey begins with a single step. We have been walking 30 minutes a day several days a week for about two weeks now. I need to step that up eventually, but right now I'm just happy that I decided to start.