Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sleeping in for the Cure

Today was the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure (5km/3.1 mi) to benefit breast cancer. (Well, not to benefit breast cancer, but to benefit research that will stop breast cancer. But you knew that.) It's a big team event where I work. Cortney and I wanted to sign up and contribute, but man, it started at 8:30, and we like to sleep on the weekends. Luckily the website had a "Sleep in for the Cure" option (no kidding) so that's what we did. Around 11:30 we went for our own personal 5k walk. It took us exactly an hour, and it was great! The dogs were wiped out afterwards. We're tired but feeling good.

5k is the same distance as the run in the Trideltathon in April. I think I will do a 5k every Saturday to get used to the distance. I know I can walk it (since I just did!) so now it'll be a matter of adding some jogging and getting the time down, just like the bike. Eventually I'll have to string the events together, but right now I'll just train piece by piece.

We're doing it!

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