Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We have new shoes!

Cortney and I went to the shoe store today to buy new running shoes. Hers are cute and white with light blue accents. Mine are silver and red and look like robots. I think they're Terminator shoes. They're the most expensive sneakers I've ever owned (about $100) but I have a philosophy about tools that applies here. I always buy excellent tools (you know, drills and hammers and ladders) when I need them. I figure they will do a better job and last longer than cheap ones, and more importantly, good tools make you want to use them. They make you want to work. Surely you know what I mean. Haven't you bought a new cooking gadget or lawn tool and then just been itching to get a chance to use it? Same idea. So I bought good shoes so I will want to exercise. I am excited about tomorrow's walk! It's working already!

Today's workout:
30 minutes walking with Cortney and the dogs at the park

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